🍜打卤面是中國老北京传统名吃,特点是制作讲究,卤色红润,鲜香诱人,营养丰富。打卤面,卤汁浓郁,鲜香诱人,手打面条软硬适中,面香十足,筋道爽滑。打卤面是老北京寿席,婚禮,新春团圓飯上的必备。 打卤主要的材料:五花鹵肉,里肌肉,黃花菜(金針),花菇,虾米,干贝、云耳、葱花、疏菜,鸡蛋等。Old Beijing Da Lu Noodles (hand-pulled noodles) have always been popular among Beijingers.Da Lu noodles is not only rich in materials, but also delicious. Da Lu Mian (打卤面), which translates to “Noodles with Gravy.” While Da Lu Mian is common in Northeast China and prepared with many ingredients comprised of Pork Belly, Pork Loin ,Flower Mushrooms, Black Fungus, Golden Needles, Dried Shrimp, Dried Scallops, Fresh Vegetables, Spring Onion and Eggs. And is eaten together by the family on special occasions like Birthday, Wedding and Chinese New Year reunion. Because the dish takes many hours to make, its preparation was truly a labor of love. A long history delicious Beijing Da Lu Mian surely not to be missed. ***************************福喜堂里面都是时光倒流的怀旧美食。怀旧风满满的福喜堂品牌。Welcome to Foxxytong Private Kitchen – a restaurant that fuses the nostalgia of 1950’s Shanghai with heart-warming home-cooked Recipe. 古色古香老味道五十年代怀旧老式装潢已有十年在经營的老店 福喜堂私房菜館Foxxytong Private Kitchen。 忙碌的生活中寻找一份怡然自得,美食深度探索. 福喜堂的老式装潢以及店里面播放著怀旧老歌让您突然感受时光倒流的感觉。✅️古早味+创新结合的美食✅️让人从舌尖上感受到浓浓的复古情怀更是带出满满“小时候”的回忆✅️复古与现代感结合带出不一般的用餐氛围✅️百分百的怀旧感装饰,绝对会让你疯狂地打卡开拍。***************************NO MSG, LOW SALT, LESS OIL COOKING無味精,少鹽,少油***************************🥬🥒新鮮食材。冷氣餐廳。環境衛生。現訂現煑。♨️🔪🐖🐟🐔午餐晚餐🥢🥢🥢🥢*包場私人宴會。生日派對。公司聚餐活動。產品发佈会等等。************福喜堂私房菜館Foxxytong Private Kitchen34-1, Jalan USJ 10 /1E, 47610, Taipan subang jaya.Hp : 011-1239 6967✅️www.facebook.com/foxxytong ✅️www.instagram.com/foxxytongprivatekitchen***************************NO MSG, LOW SALT, LESS OIL COOKING無味精,少鹽,少油***************************🥬🥒新鮮食材。冷氣餐廳。環境衛生。現訂現煑。♨️🔪🐖🐟🐔午餐晚餐🥢🥢🥢🥢#foxxytong #福喜堂私房菜館 #私房菜 #古早味 #客家菜 #Chineserestaurant #taipanfood #subangjaya #usj #chinesefoods #中華料理 #中餐 #小食館 #NoMSG #LowSalt #LessOil #北京打鹵面 #dalumian #noodles #subang #chineserestaurant

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